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对于许多雪城大学的学生来说, spring break means a hands-on learning experience doing field research with classmates at locations around the country and the world.

澳门线上赌场 offers courses that include field research and experiential learning around the country and the world. 这些学术旅行使学生能够将课堂学习融入到现实世界中, 加深文化理解, 当然, 拥有非凡而难忘的教育经历.


每一个学期, 建筑学院 students have opportunities to learn from visiting industry professionals from around the world and engage in projects that involve immersive field research at the sites where their projects are based.

今年春天, 由建筑师Laura Salazar和Pablo Sequero领导的工作室, students embarked on what will be a multiterm collaboration between the 建筑学院 and a community near Miami Beach, 佛罗里达, 该地区预计在未来几十年将经历显著的海平面上升.


建筑学院的学生参观了迈阿密海滩的建筑工地, 佛罗里达, 这是他们为受海平面上升影响的地区设计弹性房屋的研究的一部分.

在校园里, 学生研究生态, 水文, cultural and sociopolitical dimensions of this community and developed designs for single-family homes that expressed concepts of resilience in the face of pending environmental change.

萨拉查和塞奎罗注意到学生们正在做的工作, which draws inspiration from a diversity of traditional and contemporary approaches to coastal living, generates ideas that are applicable to ocean-side communities worldwide in the era of climate change.


“从概念上讲, 我们的模型代表了对另类生活方式的探索,26岁的Max Walewski解释道, 谁说从利益相关者和行业专家那里得到反馈是有价值的.

Max Walewski, 26岁, 谁的设计侧重于可以快速重建的结构, 在风暴破坏后可持续和负担得起, 他说从政府官员和城市规划者那里得到反馈特别有价值. “从概念上讲,我们的模型代表了对另类生活方式的探索,”他说. “It was really interesting to learn some of the cultural norms and constraints—such as the way square footage is valued, and the everyday challenges residents face—that we’ll have to respond to in designs of today while still trying to build for the future.”

It was really interesting to learn some of the cultural norms and constraints—such as the way square footage is valued, and the everyday challenges residents face—that we’ll have to respond to in designs of today while still trying to build for the future.

Max Walewski, 26岁


11 研究生 with widely diverse research interests traveled to Mexico City over spring break on a trip designed to provide insight into the historical and contemporary dynamics shaping relations between Mexico and the United States.


Graduate students visited Mexico City and historical sites in the area and gained insight into issues defining relations between Mexico and the United States.

这次旅行是由格拉迪斯·麦考密克组织的, 历史教授和Jay and Debe Moskowitz在墨西哥和美国的捐赠主席.S. 关系 麦克斯韦公民与公共事务学院. 麦克斯韦校友Jay Moskowitz和他的妻子Debe也赞助了这次旅行, which offered students opportunities to learn about issues related to immigration and security from perspectives centering the lives and concerns of people in Mexico. “The trip to Mexico put what the students have been thinking about at an intellectual level into the context of the real lives and experiences of those living and working at the front line,她说。.

The trip to Mexico put what the students have been thinking about at an intellectual level into the context of the real lives and experiences of those living and working at the front line.


Babatunde Isaac Rotimi G ' 28, 地球与环境科学的博士生, appreciated the chance to see firsthand the effects of seismic activity in the communities they visited.

Tehnaya Brewer, 23岁,24岁,在读硕士 法医科学 专注于 安全研究, appreciated their visit to an agency that helps community members learn about crimes and pursue justice. “This is the kind of work I can see myself doing in the future and it was very profound for me to see a group so passionate about their work,她说。. “看到研究对一个社区的影响力,真的很鼓舞人心. Seeing how what I’m studying now can transition into something that is so meaningful to so many people was just amazing.”

Meeting professionals working in a range of roles related to their area of study can be especially important for 研究生, 麦考密克笔记. “他们的职业生涯才刚刚开始, so what they get out of a trip like this can have real impact on their next steps in their professional lives.”

Babatunde Isaac Rotimi, 28岁,博士研究生 地球与环境科学他被墨西哥的地质景观迷住了. “I seized the opportunity of this trip to learn on-ground about the tectonics of this area and the effect that earthquakes have had on the country,他解释道. The group saw inactive and semi-active volcanos and piles of volcanic rocks throughout the city and at historic sites they visited. “我很高兴向我的同事解释俯冲带的地震机制!他说.


在体育经济学家罗德尼·保罗的体育分析课程上,学生们 大卫B. 福尔克体育与人类动力学学院 研究了数据是如何彻底改变世界上最受欢迎的运动:足球. 经过几个月的研究和专业人士的学习, 学生们在春假期间去了意大利.


学习体育分析的学生了解了数据如何影响意大利的职业足球, 足球在文化和经济上扮演着重要的角色.

学生们在历史背景下学习这项运动,并了解它如何影响社区. They gained professional experience presenting their statistical analyses to industry professionals at top-tier soccer clubs and traveled to different cities, 从字面上和比喻上领略意大利文化.

艾丹·科尔26岁, 在米兰观看一场职业足球比赛是他永远珍惜的经历. “It was an experience of a lifetime to watch a professional soccer game in a country where the sport is such a huge part of the culture,他说.


其他亮点, 26岁的艾丹·科尔说, 包括制作意大利面和参观著名的历史遗迹等活动.

科尔的另一个亮点是与他所在领域的一些高管会面和交谈. “我们和AC米兰的鲍比·加德纳谈过.C.]. He encouraged us to take the time to do thorough research and told me about other ways to get my work out there and noticed,科尔说。. “这次旅行有很多很棒的收获. 我很高兴能在自己前进的道路上使用它们.”

这次旅行有很多很棒的收获. 我很高兴能在自己前进的道路上使用它们.




建筑学院的学生了解了萨拉热窝的历史, 以及地区植物的传统用途, 通过与艺术家Smirna kulenovic(后排)合作的一系列工作坊, 左三).

另一组 体系结构 学生们前往萨拉热窝, 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那的首都, 深入了解社区在战争后如何愈合. “作为空间创造者,我们如何在一个被过去伤痕累累的城市中打造充满希望和仁爱的空间??” their professor, Christina Chi Zhang, a 建筑学院 fellow, challenged them to consider.

在萨拉热窝,学生们遇到了当地的艺术家、建筑师和教育家,他们中的许多人都与 一个专门研究战后社会视觉艺术的研究中心—explored the city and surrounding countryside, and learned about traditional uses for local plants. 他们的现场研究将为公共种子图书馆和讲故事空间的设计提供信息, 哪些是为了促进社区聚会, 本土植物的治疗和欣赏.


Terry Xu, 26岁 says one valuable insight he gained from on-site learning was that the physical evidence of war on Sarajevo’s infrastructure bore different significances among different residents.

对于26岁的浩天Alex Xue来说,这次旅行强调了亲身体验一个地方的价值. “我们的旅行, 我们去过的地方, and our interactions with locals of all ages and backgrounds helped us gain a multifaceted perspective on Sarajevo that wouldn’t have been possible if we weren’t here,他说.

26岁的泰瑞·徐(Terry Xu)被战争留下的身体伤疤所震惊, 整个城市都能看到, 似乎在不同的世代和个人之间有着不同的意义. 他说,这种认识将激发他的设计灵感. “看到人们有这么多不同的情绪, opinions and attitudes has inspired me to think through how I can create space that’s open to everyone—not only people who come here to heal their traumatic past, 还有那些想要享受现在和未来的人.”

看到人们有这么多不同的情绪, opinions and attitudes has inspired me to think through how I can create space that’s open to everyone.

Terry Xu, 26岁
作者 莎拉·H. 格里芬




与好奇心, 创造力和目的性, 我们努力走到可能性的边缘,然后继续前进. 并不总是知道前面的路,但相信它会带我们前进.

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Shikha Nangia在电脑上.


从阿尔茨海默氏症和帕金森症到受损的组织和器官疾病, 学生和教师联合起来追求拯救生命的研究.

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